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Corona autism

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Re: Corona autism

Postby McMokka » 19 Apr 2020 10:00

Dr_Oolen wrote:Apart from basically having no work/income because of it, practically nothing changed for me except going outside with a mask on when i go for a walk, but since i walk in places where i might on average see 1-2 people per 1 hour i dont have it on anyway unless i see some mr sexiі coming. Also, I do like that when I actually go outside there are even fewer people there than usual - its simply muchm ore peaceful and calm outside, which i like. But i guess what changed is i havent seen my sister for some 2 months now (she lives in a city some 100 km away) because of it and only saw my grandmother twice or three times briefly and from some distance as my mother is basically now the only person who interacts with her to minimize the chance of possible spread because my grandmother is 85, and despite, for her age, still being in respectable health, a respectable health of an 85 year old still isnt something that could handle stuff like this.

So in a way this corona stuff hasnt really been bad to me overall.

How you dealing with no income though? Enough on the side? Is there some support from your country, since you are self employed?
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Re: Corona autism

Postby Dr_Oolen » 19 Apr 2020 11:21

McMokka wrote:How you dealing with no income though? Enough on the side? Is there some support from your country, since you are self employed?
I have enough money aside (assuming there isnt some super aids inflation) to last 2-3 years, if i went super hermit level of existence, probably 4 years (its not like my current lifestyle requires that much money anyway). What the government did was (for self employed people) making it so that we dont have to pay any social/health insurace for half a year and they passed a bill that gave everyone basically minimum wage for the length the biggest restrictions will last. So almost 2 months worth of what is the minimum wage here. So that is basically 2-3 months worth of money from the government (in terms of sustaining my lifestyle, which is basically at the level of what the minimum wage can cover).
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Re: Corona autism

Postby Paris_Hilton » 09 Aug 2020 13:05

aaayye any of u mr_sexiis got actually ro-rona virus Kappa ?
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Re: Corona autism

Postby BeneficialCucumber » 09 Aug 2020 16:35

I've been tested 3 times yet, once when I had symptoms back in March, second time antibody test mid July for the lolz, third time 24h after my return from travels in Iceland last week.
All negative.
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Re: Corona autism

Postby Brati007 » 09 Aug 2020 20:46

BeneficialCucumber wrote:I've been tested 3 times yet, once when I had symptoms back in March, second time antibody test mid July for the lolz, third time 24h after my return from travels in Iceland last week.
All negative.

getting corana in iceland is like winning the lotery twice in a row.

bad jokes aside, i think the 2nd shutdown is inevitable, almost noone here even in germany is sticking to the rules.
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Re: Corona autism

Postby BeneficialCucumber » 09 Aug 2020 21:26

Brati007 wrote:
BeneficialCucumber wrote:I've been tested 3 times yet, once when I had symptoms back in March, second time antibody test mid July for the lolz, third time 24h after my return from travels in Iceland last week.
All negative.

getting corana in iceland is like winning the lotery twice in a row.

bad jokes aside, i think the 2nd shutdown is inevitable, almost noone here even in germany is sticking to the rules.

I wasn’t worried a second of getting Covid in Iceland, only risk was the airport/plane as 200 germish retards were waiting in line as soon as the speakers said „boarding“ with 1 out of 3 not wearing a mask properly, breathing in each other’s necks, including the guy that I shared the row with, which troggeled me to infinity. Also this woman walking from front to back during flight without the mask on her way to the toilet just to be told by the flight attendant to get back and get her mask.

As you said numbers will go up again, lovely Attila Hildmanns will be even saltier and 2nd
shutdown coming in a few weeks.

I‘m tired of masks aswell and I really enjoyed the time in Iceland not being forced to wear one (which wasn’t necessary anyway as there are no people around and if so everyone is keeping their distance)
But even in Germany wearing a mask 20min when I’m shopping groceries isn’t the end of the world. People need to stop crying about 1st world problems and get their shit together.
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Re: Corona autism

Postby Brati007 » 09 Aug 2020 21:58


edit: why cant i delete my own posts? (or can i?)
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Last edited by Brati007 on 09 Aug 2020 22:01, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Corona autism

Postby Brati007 » 09 Aug 2020 22:00

BeneficialCucumber wrote:
Brati007 wrote:
BeneficialCucumber wrote:I've been tested 3 times yet, once when I had symptoms back in March, second time antibody test mid July for the lolz, third time 24h after my return from travels in Iceland last week.
All negative.

getting corana in iceland is like winning the lotery twice in a row.

bad jokes aside, i think the 2nd shutdown is inevitable, almost noone here even in germany is sticking to the rules.

I wasn’t worried a second of getting Covid in Iceland, only risk was the airport/plane as 200 germish retards were waiting in line as soon as the speakers said „boarding“ with 1 out of 3 not wearing a mask properly, breathing in each other’s necks, including the guy that I shared the row with, which troggeled me to infinity. Also this woman walking from front to back during flight without the mask on her way to the toilet just to be told by the flight attendant to get back and get her mask.

As you said numbers will go up again, lovely Attila Hildmanns will be even saltier and 2nd
shutdown coming in a few weeks.

I‘m tired of masks aswell and I really enjoyed the time in Iceland not being forced to wear one (which wasn’t necessary anyway as there are no people around and if so everyone is keeping their distance)
But even in Germany wearing a mask 20min when I’m shopping groceries isn’t the end of the world. People need to stop crying about 1st world problems and get their shit together.

this so much, i started to look really angry at ppl but these days i just start screaming whether they are just unable to read or blant stupid.
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Re: Corona autism

Postby TheGamingLion » 09 Aug 2020 22:17

Brati007 wrote:(or can i?)

Nope :/
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Re: Corona autism

Postby Paris_Hilton » 11 Aug 2020 07:25

you can delete, until you write another post
They have now enforced mask here in AArhus as we got a "huge" spike. SO now i have to wear it in the bus. Having issues with my sinus, feels hard to breath, especially with hot weather now.
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Re: Corona autism

Postby TheGamingLion » 11 Aug 2020 08:35

Paris_Hilton wrote:you can delete, until you write another post

Only greenies can, given their post is the last one in a thread

Paris_Hilton wrote:They have now enforced mask here in AArhus as we got a "huge" spike. SO now i have to wear it in the bus. Having issues with my sinus, feels hard to breath, especially with hot weather now.

True alpha
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