If you follow the short instructions the recruiters usually leave you there's a point about relogging in to the forums in order to gain member rights. Here's how to do it properly:
0. Accept the clan invite. This is because our forums check for your status in the clan and automatically assigns the proper rights to you. But you need to relog in order to trigger this check.
0.1. Force a WG API update by opening and closing the game properly (So no ALT+F4's here).
1. Log out of the forums using the button in left upper hand corner

2. Log back in by using the "Login or register with Wargaming Account" button

3. It should take you to the following page:

Here select your region (1.), entering the email is optional (2.)* and finally press the login button (3.)
*Due to the way phpbb works, this field was added as a workaround if you want to receive topic notifications to email. An email here is not needed (=field can be left empty) if you dont need/want topic notifications.
NOTE: If you are already logged in on WG's site, it might automatically forward you to the site shown in step 5. This is fine.
4. Now you should be at WG's EU site. You can confirm this by checking the address bar (eu.wargaming.net).

Now you need to login into your WG account on WG's site. Write your email (1.), password (2.) and press login (3.). If you've added two factor authentication for your account it will ask for the code now.
5. Press the "Confirm" button.

6. Now you will be redirected back to our forums and you should have full member rights. If this is not the case, contact one of the officers.
Happy spamming!