Trip 1: Scouting The EastWent to a nice holiday home with my fam for a few days, partly because my parents might want to move to the east later. (something to do with a constant strong wind over here in the west)
Caught these stunning
Anemonoides nemorosa aka wood anemones in the woods (who could have guessed) just after some nice rain

Not too much farther there was another wet rained being

A nice mansion next to a wet dirt road with the sun shining on the house created a beautiful effect
Trip 2: Discovering LeyduinThe house you see here is house Leyduin, which is a real posh house. The original was built in 1874, but in 1921 it was torn down and replaced with the building you see here. "Why?" You might ask. Well the owners of the house wanted a more modern one, with toilets instead of shitboxes, central heating, flowing hot water and electrical lights. The area around the house is very pretty as well with a vegetable garden and a fairly large sized wood. All in all, very pleasant to visit

In the woods around the house there are some roe deer as well which are hella cute

And here is a random macro photo of some nice moss I came by
Trip 3: Wild KingdomWild Kingdom is the literal translation of
Wildrijk, the name of the forest. It is riddled with common bluebells everywhere, sadly they werent blossoming much yet. So am gonna go back later and hopefully get some nice pics with a shitload of common bluebells :^)
The common bluebells can be seen here in the out of focus background with the quackers having photograph priority of course

Around the woods there are also a lot of branch walls (don't know what they are actually called) which enrich the area. They house a lot of insects and small mammals and look fairly cool.

Next to Wildrijk there are ofcourse, it wouldn't be The Netherlands without them, tulip fields! It is kinda weird to think about, people come across the whole world to see them and I don't think that much of them except that they look nice

Here is an irrigation machine thingy water squirter at work, making sure they get nice and hydrated

And lastly, just a nice plant(not sure what kind) growing out of a dead tree which created a nice image.