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stronk interwebz stuff

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stronk interwebz stuff

Postby wetlioN » 05 Apr 2014 20:41

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Paris_Hilton wrote:You have to grow balls and deal with the dicks or you end up being the pussy.
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Re: stronk interwebz stuff

Postby H311fi5h » 05 Apr 2014 21:26

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Re: stronk interwebz stuff

Postby nkouhoe » 06 Apr 2014 11:29

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Re: stronk interwebz stuff

Postby nkouhoe » 06 Apr 2014 18:15

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Re: stronk interwebz stuff

Postby RedlineRailgunningRemmel » 07 Apr 2014 10:35

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Re: stronk interwebz stuff

Postby wetlioN » 07 Apr 2014 13:34

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Paris_Hilton wrote:You have to grow balls and deal with the dicks or you end up being the pussy.
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Re: stronk interwebz stuff

Postby Xen » 07 Apr 2014 16:01

Vereinfachung der deutschen Sprache in 5 Schritten.

Erster Schritt:

Wegfall der Großschreibung
einer sofortigen einführung steht nichts
mehr im weg, zumal schon viele grafiker
und werbeleute zur kleinschreibung
übergegangen sind

zweiter schritt:
wegfall der dehnungen und schärfungen
diese masname eliminirt schon di gröste
felerursache in der grundschule, den sin oder
unsin unserer konsonantenverdopelung hat
onehin nimand kapirt

driter schrit:
v und ph ersetzt durch f,
z ersetzt durch s,
sch verkürtzt auf s
das alfabet wird um swei buchstaben redusirt,
sreibmasinen und setsmasinen fereinfachen
sich, wertfole arbeitskräfte könen der wirtsaft
sugefürt werden

firter srit:
g, c und ch ersetst durch k,
j und y ersetst durch i
ietst sind son seks bukstaben auskesaltet, di sulseit
kan sofort fon neun auf swei iare ferkürtst werden,
anstat aktsik prosent rektsreibunterikt könen nütslikere
fäker wi fisik, kemi oder auk reknen mer kepflekt

fünfter srit:
wekfal fon ä-, ö- und ü-seiken
ales uberflusike ist ietst auskemertst, di ortokrafi
wider slikt und einfak. naturlik benotikt es einike
seit, bis diese fereinfakung uberal riktik ferdaut ist,
fileikt ein bis swei iare. anslisend durfte als nekstes
sil di fereinfakung der nok swirikeren und
unsinikeren kramatik anfisirt werden.

...und fertik war di holandise sprake!
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Re: stronk interwebz stuff

Postby Bowser_nl » 07 Apr 2014 16:17

Just jelly of our beautiful language. There's a reason i tried ditching as much of the german language classes as possible in uni. :sealdier:

Lol i love the little wizard seal :D
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Last edited by Bowser_nl on 07 Apr 2014 16:24, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: stronk interwebz stuff

Postby AngryBanana » 07 Apr 2014 16:24

Looks more like afrikaans than dutch :P
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Re: stronk interwebz stuff

Postby Xen » 07 Apr 2014 16:59

Bowser_nl wrote:Just jelly of our beautiful language. There's a reason i tried ditching as much of the german language classes as possible in uni. :sealdier:

Lol i love the little wizard seal :D

Not sure if it's gonna stay. Try relogging.
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Re: stronk interwebz stuff

Postby wetlioN » 07 Apr 2014 17:14


such fashion
much shirt
very buy
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Paris_Hilton wrote:You have to grow balls and deal with the dicks or you end up being the pussy.
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Re: stronk interwebz stuff

Postby AngryBanana » 07 Apr 2014 17:18

I declare coffee stain studios best_devs_eu_pl_2014
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Re: stronk interwebz stuff

Postby Xen » 07 Apr 2014 17:23

They already made more profit than the 0 euros they were initially going to make with their goat sim game, so I guess they don't care.
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Re: stronk interwebz stuff

Postby Pastaiolo » 07 Apr 2014 18:24

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Re: stronk interwebz stuff

Postby Bowser_nl » 07 Apr 2014 20:08

Remove kebab. Haha.

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Re: stronk interwebz stuff

Postby Deekay_ » 07 Apr 2014 21:49

Idk if u guys already saw this :D
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Re: stronk interwebz stuff

Postby Pastaiolo » 08 Apr 2014 11:39

This is not funny, just amazing.

Didn't know where to post it :P

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Re: stronk interwebz stuff

Postby wetlioN » 08 Apr 2014 14:42

i am going to the ILA this summer


will be weri stronkerest :O :likeasear:
ofc. i will be drunk there, maybe i can make some stronk seal pictures with planes :pedoseal:

last ILA:

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Paris_Hilton wrote:You have to grow balls and deal with the dicks or you end up being the pussy.
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Re: stronk interwebz stuff

Postby Sekundenkleber » 08 Apr 2014 15:17

The 2012 ILA was so incredibly disappointing.... no A380, no insane US Bombers, no A400M flights

while 2010 had this: :O seeing the A380 irl is just insane


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Re: stronk interwebz stuff

Postby nkouhoe » 08 Apr 2014 16:09

veitileiN wrote:i am going to the ILA this summer


will be weri stronkerest :O :likeasear:
ofc. i will be drunk there, maybe i can make some stronk seal pictures with planes :pedoseal:

last ILA:


Lel, wanna meet up since I live in Berlin...scud too btw :D

Btw the english moderator sounds like Jingles :O
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Last edited by nkouhoe on 08 Apr 2014 16:12, edited 1 time in total.
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