Aubury wrote:I would like to report myself here,
Had a run-in with some twats from K4E, some blocking happened after which I lashed out towards one of them.
Told me to die IRL, so I told him he has a delay on his brain (ROFL)
Anyways, will not happen again, battle chat is now off
pls no kik
Pick one that doesn't get you in trouble
Radialmenu insults in Shakespeare:
Somewhere out thither a tree is working very hard to replace the oxygen thee consume. Now wend apologize to t.
I oft wonder who ties thy shoes for thee in the morning.
Keepeth rolling thy eyes. Maybe you'll findeth a brain back thither.
I would love to fig thee but fear me I won't doth as well as nature didst.
t must beest difficult for thee, exhausting thy entire vocabulary in one sentence.
t must beest excit'ment to has't so much vast space between thy ears.
I'd like to see things from thy point of view but I can't seemeth to receiveth mine headeth that far up mine rampallian.
thy birth certificate is an apology letter from the condom factory.
thee must has't been born on a highway because that's whither most accidents befall.
It's better to alloweth someone bethink thee art an clotpole than to ope thy that from which we speak and prove t.
What language art thee speaking? Cause t sounds like talk'st of nothing.
thee art proof that evolution CAN wend in reverse.
Next time thee wanteth to crisp thy ears, don’t tryeth to push the Q-tip through to the other side. coequal if 't be true that would beest perfectly possible.
I doth desire we may beest better strangers!
I'd sayeth something about thy mother, but cows art pondered sacred in India.
I would love to start a battle of wits, but unfortunately thou art unarmed.
I would fig thee but thou art too insignificant to coequal matter to anyone.
thee couldn't pour water out of a boot if 't be true the instructions wast on the sole.
lest I thinking thee weren't burdened with an overabundance of schooling.
keepeth talking, someday you'll sayeth something intelligent!
thou art one of those people who needeth to climb to his ego and jump to his IQ.
if 't be true I hadst a tardis I would wend back in time to warn thy parents about their biggest mistake.
thou has't to sneak up on thy own handeth to masturbate.
if 't be true thee wast any more like a stone, I'd has't to water thee three times a week.