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War Thunder (Planes and Tanks)

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Re: War Thunder (Planes and Tanks)

Postby burnzilla » 05 Nov 2015 15:25

phpBB [video]

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Re: War Thunder (Planes and Tanks)

Postby McMokka » 05 Nov 2015 15:33

burnzilla wrote:
phpBB [video]


Really, WoT with this graphics and physics engine would be an amazing game :D Maybe WG buys it :smug:
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Re: War Thunder (Planes and Tanks)

Postby BoogieM » 06 Nov 2015 12:17

My 1.5 hours upgrading WT yesterday was worth it!
I always felt like WOT looks like driving plastic toy tanks compared to WT (with or without full details on both games)
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Re: War Thunder (Planes and Tanks)

Postby RedlineRailgunningRemmel » 06 Nov 2015 15:59

How do tanks play now? Last time i played was at the very start of GF test but didn't like it... dunno, also its yet another game you have to throw money at to keep a fair progression in xp so it would need to be really good. But i don't want to waste my time downloading it and watching YT videos are generally deceiving so i want to hear somebody with first hand experience.
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Re: War Thunder (Planes and Tanks)

Postby burnzilla » 06 Nov 2015 22:00

McMokka wrote:
burnzilla wrote:
phpBB [video]


Really, WoT with this graphics and physics engine would be an amazing game :D Maybe WG buys it :smug:

wot without the 95% tunnelvision shitmaps + huge rng + the imbalance between the tanks ( meaning totally useless t9's vs totally overpowered ones f.e. ) would be a decent game :P
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Re: War Thunder (Planes and Tanks)

Postby BoogieM » 09 Nov 2015 09:08

Remmke wrote:How do tanks play now? Last time i played was at the very start of GF test but didn't like it... dunno, also its yet another game you have to throw money at to keep a fair progression in xp so it would need to be really good. But i don't want to waste my time downloading it and watching YT videos are generally deceiving so i want to hear somebody with first hand experience.

Hm... it's a totally different gameplay style compared to Wot. One thing I can say for sure: it's not as forgiving as WOT. If you phuck up it can be a quick return to garage (in realistic and simulator battles especially), not like in wot when you can back up with less XP - this can be a worth to mention source of frustration. You really don't need to throw money at it. I reached all tier 4 german tanks without a prem account... but then again I did the same in WOT (almost finished E75 grind without premium account - I was so happy when they introduced the E75-E100 ... E100 is still one of my fav tanks)
The arcade battles are kinda like the same as they always were BUT they did change the spotting mechanism recently - you don't spot the enemy tank through all the bushes and trees from a mile away anymore - it's more like in WOT now which is a nice touch. You can now shoot from cover and not get spotted.
I really like how they changed the realistic battles. There are no overtarget markers nor aim cross to tell you if you pen or not and now it's not only german vs the rest of the trees as it was before. The tanks are mixed like in Wot.
They reworked the crew skills thingy which is now easier to understand and use and there are some AI targets on every map so you have quite the range of targets.
They also added new maps 3 of which have destructible environment which can help you get into other firing positions.
All in all I like the most recent update - released ~ 3 days ago: http://warthunder.com/en/news/3404-deve ... restorm-en
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Re: War Thunder (Planes and Tanks)

Postby burnzilla » 09 Nov 2015 22:00

i totally agree with boogie, it's totally different from wot, it's not as forgiving therefore also more rewarding. basically it's more extreme, u have battles where u get instagibed and after 3 minutes all your 3 tanks are rip but u also have battles where u rek everything thats not flora/fauna. what's also cool is that there are different types of terrain like mud / shore / grass etc which really influence how u are able to maneuver...drifting on streets ftw ;D
the recent updates were really good for the game.
i guess u have to like the difference to wot that there is no hp model and u can get instagibed from far away, but that's mostly arcade...i'm not a fan of rb/simu since it's too slow for me, already was in planes, but as boogie correctly described the lack of markers etc. has it's adavantages.
for the grinding part, i really like the leveling model in wt compared to wot meaning that u are not forced to play some cyka blyat tanks which are pure garbage to get the next one. another positive aspect is that there is no difference if u win/lose regarding the xp...if u own and lose u get the same xp as if you would win...playing w/o premium and i'm currently grinding tiger/panther/jgpanther with an avg vh-research of 900-1200 xp per battle ( tiger is 60k xp f.e. ), credits are also not a problem, but i guess with premium it's still a lot faster...double xp and credits.

in the end u have to find out for yourself if u like the very different model of wt compared to wot.
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Re: War Thunder (Planes and Tanks)

Postby BoogieM » 11 Aug 2016 14:02

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Re: War Thunder (Planes and Tanks)

Postby Pastaiolo » 23 Aug 2016 09:26

Meh battles if they just stick to PT boats. I hope they'll reconsider in a not so long time span.
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